I am accustomed to various aches, pains, twinges, and the like. First of all, I just turned 39. Secondly, I have given birth. Third, said birth means that I now chase a four-year-old boy around for the better part of my day. "Put that down!" "Stop that!" "We do NOT put (fill in the blank) in our mouths!" "Do you need to go potty?" "Uuuugggghhhh, if you wanted to do a craft, why didn't you just tell me? Now there's glue in your hair." "How did you get on
top of the refrigerator?" "Are you sure you don't have to go potty?" "How did THAT get in THERE?!"
Now what that means is that when I do even notice the aches and pains, I usually ignore them and go on. Women who stay home with their small children don't have time for pain or illness. I can't say how long it's been, but for quite a while, I have noticed a feeling in the bottom of my left foot like a pulled muscle. Oh, and I have had a small red bump on my leg for over a year. And a weird flaky spot on my face. Maybe more headaches than I used to get. The list goes on, but I won't bore you with all my old lady maladies. The trouble, though, is that women tend to overlook things anyway. That's because we are
tough. Last year, I reluctantly dragged myself into the urgent care clinic to find out that I had just passed a kidney stone. "Is that what that was?!" I asked the doctor incredulously. Waving my hand, I reported, "Oh, I've had those before! Didn't even go to the doctor."
So on Saturday, after having given my son's birthday party a few days before and having attended another two birthday parties for four-year-olds earlier in the day, I
almost thought nothing of it when it became excruciating to walk on my left foot. After all, children's birthday parties are
stressful and hellish at best a great chance for the kiddos to burn off some energy. Refer to the quotes above.
When I couldn't get a shoe on my foot for the pain and swelling on Sunday, I sent my husband and son off to church without me.
Ahhhh, I thought.
Nice quiet house to myself for an hour. But by Tuesday morning, I cried "Uncle!!" and went to the P.A.
I had somehow sprained the top of my left foot. And now I have to stay "off" of it. Bwahahahaha! The P.A. is great, and a sweet girl, but she doesn't have children. I'll try, but I won't be off of it completely. The anti-imflammatory drug made for some nice, deep sleep last night, though.
Oh, and the pulled muscle feeling in the bottom of my foot? That was
Plantar Fasciitis. No extra charge for that. And the bump on my leg? An old abcess that was never attended, so now it's scar tissue. I try not to overwhelm her with
too many extra unrelated things when I go in. She might try to refer me to a
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