Saturday, January 21, 2012

Big Things are Happening!

The time has come!  My internet makeover has begun.  While I will continue to post on this blog every now and then (mostly more personal stories and anecdotes; much the same type of thing I have already been posting here), pleasepleaseplease follow me over to my new professional blog . . . drumroll, please . . .

Please click the link above and follow my new page, as well!!!  As I continue to build my platform as an author, I will need your continued support.  The more followers I have on the new blog, the better it will look for me in terms of future publishing projects.

It was built for me by my publisher, iUniverse, and of course promotes my book, The Ballad of the Shirley T.  They also built pages for me on sites like Shelfari, Goodreads, LibraryThing . . . the list goes on.  And in the coming days and weeks, I will be working on polishing up those pages and making them my own.

A great big THANK YOU to all of you who already follow me!!!  Y'all are my "inner circle."  Please follow my new page, as well, and tell your friends and family!

Okay, if you haven't clicked the link to follow my new blog, here it is again:

Thanks and love to you all!!